17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

Class Description : John Maxwell says,
“Every day, in some way, you are part of a team. The question is not, will you participate in some-thing that involves others, the question is will your involvement with others be successful?”
Everyone knows that teamwork is a good thing, in fact it is essential. But how does it really work? What makes a winning team? Why do some teams go straight to the top, while others seem to go nowhere? This presentation will look deeply into how best to form teams. Keeping teams focused, and celebrating the wins together as a team.
The 17 Laws include:
The Big Picture
The Niche
Mount Everest
The Chain
The Catalyst
The Compass
The Bad Apple
The Price Tag
The Score Board
The Bench
The Edge

Member Price: $149.00
Non Member Price: $169.00

Registration deadline:
Friday June 12, 2020

More Info: https://www.jamestownchamber.com/events/details/business-training-the-17-indisputable-laws-of-teamwork-14997

Event Start Date: 06/17/2020 Event End Date: 06/17/2020

Time: 8:30am - 12:30pm

Contact Info

Emily Bivens

Location Details

Location Name:
James River Senior & Community Center

Location Address:
120 2nd St. SE
Jamestown, ND58401

Event posting from www.JamestownCalendar.com
