4 Church Rummage Sale

St. John’s Lutheran Church, 1st Congregational United Church of Christ, the Basilica of St. James Catholic Church, and St. Paul’s United Methodist Churches are holding Rummage Sales in their respective church buildings on Thursday, August 4 from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Friday, August 5 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday is Fill-a-Bag Day for $2.00. Shop for treasures, clothes for school, supplies for dorm rooms and apartments, and lots of other items.

Some of the churches will also be serving food. St. Paul’s UMC will serve a pancake & sausage breakfast from 8-10:30 a.m. both Thursday and Friday. St. John’s Lutheran will serve a lunch of sloppy joes and bars both Thursday and Friday. 1st Cong. UCC will serve chicken or egg salad sandwiches, chips, and desserts for lunch on Thursday and they will be serving caramel rolls on both mornings.

Locations:  St. John’s Lutheran Church – 424 1st Ave. So.

1st Cong. UCC – 201 2nd St. SE

Basilica of St. James Catholic Church – 622 1st Ave. S.

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church – 1000 5th Ave. NE

Event Start Date: 08/04/2022 Event End Date: 08/05/2022

Time: 8:00am - 6:00pm

Contact Info

Tammy Toepke-Floyd

Location Details

Location Name:
St. John's Lutheran Church, First Congregational United Church of Christ, Basilica of St. James Catholic Church, St. Paul's United Methodist Church

Location Address:
St. John's Lutheran - 424 1st Ave. S.
Jamestown, ND

Event posting from www.JamestownCalendar.com
