93rd Annual Chamber Awards Banquet

It’s time to unmask the excellence of our community with the 93rd Annual Chamber Awards Banquet!

Our masquerade theme will be taking off the mask of those behind the scene workers and residents who continue their dedication to making Jamestown an amazing place to work, play, and live!

We’ll have our social start at 5:30 PM with dinner to follow at 6:30 PM. Then we’ll have our awards presentation to recognize the beautiful spots in Jamestown and recognize the Young Professional of the Year, Above & Beyond Award winner, and Citizen of the Year.

We have a limited number of tickets available, which can be purchased online at JamestownChamber.com or by stopping in at our Chamber office.

Please don’t wait and get your ticket to this fun and longtime celebration!

More Info: https://www.jamestownchamber.com/events/details/93rd-annual-awards-banquet-2024-15860

Event Start Date: 01/18/2024 Event End Date: 01/18/2024

Time: 5:00pm - 9:00pm

Contact Info

Emily Bivens

Location Details

Location Name:
Harold Newman Arena

Location Address:
1004 7th St NE
Jamestown, ND58401

Event posting from www.JamestownCalendar.com
