Creation Ministries Presentation

TBC will be hosting Creation Ministries on November 5th. Following our worship night at 5:15pm, join us at 6:30pm to allow Dr. Robert Carter to spiritually strengthen us through the History of Creation. He will answer questions about creation like: what about the dinosaurs? Were Adam and Eve real people? Was there a global flood? Why does a Loving God allow death and suffering? This event will help us all better understand the early events of Genesis. Invite your friends and family to hear history from a Christian Worldview.

More Info:

Event Start Date: 11/05/2023 Event End Date: 11/05/2023

Time: 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Contact Info

TBC Office

Location Details

Location Name:
Temple Baptist Church

Location Address:
1200 12th Ave NE
Jamestown, ND58401

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