‘Dreaming of a Vetter World’ Film Screening

One day in 1953, Nebraska farmer Donald Vetter had an epiphany while spraying his cornfield. He’d wondered for a while about the wartime chemicals—now approved for agricultural use—he was putting on his crops. Disappointed with the results, he’d also noticed these chemicals stripped the goodness from the soil and killed wildlife. And what were they doing to the food itself? He decided right then and there that he wasn’t going spray anymore.

With both historical context and an eye to the future, Dreaming of a Vetter World shows it’s possible to jump off the pesticide treadmill. It’s also a story about love, hope, family, and place; an inspiring example of perseverance and doing what you know is right—against all odds

Join Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society in getting excited for the Food & Farming Conference and celebrate soil, healthy food, and the farmers who make it happen.

Get a ticket to reserve your spot and give an optional donation to help support the work of supporting regenerative farming practices around the region.

Brought to you by Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society and Prairie Roots Food Co-op.

More Info: https://www.facebook.com/events/972539933126906/

Event Start Date: 01/12/2020 Event End Date: 01/12/2020

Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Contact Info

Kayla Pridmore

Location Details

Location Name:
The Fargo Theatre

Location Address:
314 Broadway N
Fargo, ND58102

Event posting from www.JamestownCalendar.com
