Greater Dakotas Job Fair III

The 3rd Annual KSJB/Mix 93.3 Great Dakotas Job Fair will feature local and regional employers with hundreds of full and part-time jobs to fill.

Interview and apply on the spot in indoor comfort at the Jamestown Civic Center Exchequer room; in the NW corner of the building, ground floor.

Contact KSJB/Mix 93.3 for more information, a list of vendors or to book a booth at 701-252-3570. Or visit

Event Start Date: 04/28/2020 Event End Date: 04/28/2020

Time: 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Contact Info

Patrick Pfeiffer

Location Details

Location Name:
Jamestown Civic Center Exchequer Room

Location Address:
212 3rd Avenue NE
Jamestown, ND58401

Event posting from
