Jamestown Choralaires Spring Concert

The Jamestown Choralaires present their spring 2022 concert in the Jamestown High School Theater, and are pleased to have the Jamestown High School Choir men join in several massed chorus numbers as well as perform a solo set. Tickets are $12 for adults and $5 for students, available from any Choralaires’ member, at The Dakota Store, Looysen I Care, or at the door.

Event Start Date: 04/09/2022 Event End Date: 04/09/2022

Time: 7:30pm - 9:00pm

Contact Info

Pam Burkhardt
(701) 952-2147

Location Details

Location Name:
Jamestown High School

Location Address:
Jamestown, ND

Event posting from www.JamestownCalendar.com
