JHS Drama presents Bruce Jacoby’s “The Girl in the Mirror” at 7 p.m. in the JHS Theater on November 16 & 17. A teenage girl is given the opportunity to look back at the experiences that led her to a tragic choice. She is also given a look at how her choices have affected those around her. This play deals with serious themes of anxiety, depression, and suicide.
Tickets are $6 for adults, $4 for students, and the JHS activity pass is accepted.
The play is produced through special arrangement with DRAMATIC PUBLISHING CO. of Woodstock, IL.
Event Start Date: 11/16/2023 Event End Date: 11/17/2023
Time: 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Tony McIntyre
Location Name:
Jamestown High School
Location Address:
1509 10th St NE
Jamestown, ND58401
Event posting from www.JamestownCalendar.com