JRMC U: Total Joint Replacement

The JRMC U: Total Joint Replacement is set for 11 a.m., Thursday, March 16. The event will help people understand how to keep the musculoskeletal system healthy and when to consider surgery as an option, said Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Michael T. Dean.

In his career, Dr. Dean has replaced more than 5,000 joints.

“We hope to help people understand options for care of their bones, muscles and joints,” Dr. Dean said. “If total joint replacement is the best option, we can help people understand what to expect before, during and after surgery. We can also help them assess the pros and cons of surgery as well as treatment options instead of surgery.”

JRMC Orthopedics specializes in diagnosing and treating bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves. The specialty includes procedures such as total joint replacements of the hip, knee and shoulder, knee arthroscopy and fracture repair.

More Info: https://jrmcnd.com/total-joint-replacement/

Event Start Date: 03/16/2023 Event End Date: 03/16/2023

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

Contact Info

(701) 952-4795

Location Details

Location Name:
Two Rivers Activity Center

Location Address:
1501 5th St NE
Jamestown, ND58401

Event posting from www.JamestownCalendar.com
