Learn How a Clear Brand Helps You Earn More Online

Join us on February 16th at 10am to learn about the 3 things that entrepreneurs need to have defined for a clear brand. What does branding do for a business? It helps you post online to find more customers and genuine followers, plus it helps you earn more from your online business with less overwhelm of managing all these things.

The meeting will be hosted by Chelly Ontis of Elegant Designs!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 969 0277 6833
Passcode: 436006

For more information about Celly Ontis visit elegantdesignsinc.net.

More Info: https://uj-edu.zoom.us/j/96902776833?pwd=Wk5IeHNXN0tsR1ZkRUlLUkJtcVVtUT09

Event Start Date: 02/16/2021 Event End Date: 02/16/2021

Time: 10:00am - 11:00am

Contact Info

Katherine Roth

Location Details

Location Name:

Location Address:
Jamestown, ND

Event posting from www.JamestownCalendar.com
