Midwest World Fest

Tuesdays: January 12 at 12:00 pm • Free Admission

Since 2003, Arts Midwest World Fest has brought international musicians to communities throughout the Midwest. You may remember when The Arts Center hosted four world-renowned performance groups. Many of us have fond memories of the experience and impact these “visitors” had on our community.

This year, the artists cannot perform in person but Arts Midwest is offering the programs virtually, on-line, available to everyone to enjoy, not just the “host communities.”   There are study guides, discussion questions, and videos that accompany each performance group, and of course, concert videos. This year showcases three international groups. You can watch on-line (https://www.artsmidwest.org/worldfestonline) or come to The Arts Center and watch with us on the following dates, bring your own lunch and enjoy a socially distanced but culturally rich experience.

Paulo Padilha e Bando (Brazil) – Tuesday, January 19 at 12:00 pm

Catch the samba swing of Brazil with Paulo Padilha e Bando. Born in São Paulo, Padilha travels between the sounds of traditional samba and other Brazilian popular musical styles. A music teacher of more than 25 years of experience, Padilha is a master musician and educator that specializes in rhythm and song workshops for children, teenagers, and adults. His clever lyrics have a special focus on the telling about the urban lifestyle in Brazil in a very sharp and good-humored way. With a band of master samba musicians and dancers, you’ll want to dance your way home!

Final performance viewing will be on February 2. Feature respectively artists Hikaru (Japan).

More Info: http://www.jamestownarts.com

Event Start Date: 01/19/2021 Event End Date: 01/19/2021

Time: 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Contact Info

Angela Martini

Location Details

Location Name:
The Arts Center

Location Address:
115 2nd Street SW
Jamestown, ND58401

Event posting from www.JamestownCalendar.com
