Prairies and Pollinators: Women in Conservation Gathering

Connect with other women in conservation during a social and educational gathering at Edward M. Brigham III Alkali Lake Sanctuary (Spiritwood, ND).
This half day event will include a walk through the vibrant prairie landscape, two educational presentations focused on pollinators and prescribed fire, group discussions, and a light brunch with refreshments.
Through this Women in Conservation event, we aim to provide a space to connect and exchange ideas, while also highlighting the vital role of pollinators and prairies.
Space is limited. Registration closes Friday, July 14.
Sponsored by Pheasants Forever and Audubon Great Plains.


7 a.m. – Check-in

7:30 a.m. – Prairie Walk led by:

– Juli Bosmoe, Audubon Great Plains Range Ecologist

– Emily Spolyar, Pheasants Forever North Dakota State Coordinator

8:30 a.m. – Brunch/Social

9:30 a.m. – Pollinator Presentation, Juli Bosmoe

10:30 a.m. – Rx Fire Presentation, Kelli Kuska, Pheasants Forever Prescribed Fire Coordinator

11:30 a.m. – Group Discussion

12:30 p.m. – Program Concludes

More Info:

Event Start Date: 07/20/2023 Event End Date: 07/20/2023

Time: 7:00am - 12:30pm

Contact Info

Meghan Carter Johnson

Location Details

Location Name:
Edward M. Brigham III Alkali Lake Sanctuary

Location Address:
2646 90th Ave SE
Spiritwood, ND58481

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