Tree of Love Dedication & Drive-thru Ornament Pick-up

Tree of Love Dedication & Drive-thru Ornament Pick-up
Monday, Dec. 14th at 2 – 4:30 pm

We’re doing things a bit different this year. The Tree of Love is a personalized tree with ornaments ‘in honor’ and ‘in memory’ of compassionate caregivers, beloved family members and cherished friends and coworkers.

We’ll be hosting a virtual dedication at 2 p.m. on Facebook. We will have a short greeting, prayer and moment of silence to reflect on the holiday season and the ones we love.

Following the dedication, we will give people time to do a drive-thru ornament pick-up. Ornaments can be purchased for for a suggested donation of $10 or more now through the holidays.

Please contact JRMC Foundation at x4880 or for questions.

More Info:

Event Start Date: 12/14/2020 Event End Date: 12/14/2020

Time: 2:00pm - 4:30pm

Contact Info

Lisa Jackson
(701) 952-4880

Location Details

Location Name:
Jamestown Regional Medical Center

Location Address:
2422 20th St. SW
Jamestown, ND58401

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